Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Harley @ KDMC

KDMC Badge, check; Therapy vest, check...Can I go see the patients now?

Water, Water, Water...It's so good! It's hard work having fun seeing new people.

Let me lick my chops and then I will be ready to go again!
One last picture, Mom and then can we go home?

Yesterday was a big day for the Elswick family. Harley started his first day as a certified therapy dog for King's Daughters Medical Center. The two of us passed our evaluation a month ago with the help from Terri at Dr. Pinkston's office, but we became official when we received our acceptance letter and badges from the Delta Society. Two weeks ago, I was given a TB skin test and both of us had our picture taken for our "volunteer" badges through KDMC.

Yesterday was our first day to visit and socialize with patients, which was really exciting. Right now, we are restricted to rehab/physical therapy patients but I'm sure we will expand to other floors soon. As for Harley, he did fabulously! It's like he knew exactly what to do without any practice. He acted as though his has known the patients all his life. He won the hearts of everyone he met from the people in the waiting area, nurses and doctors on the rehab floor to every patient who welcomed Harley in their room. I was very touched by what I witnessed yesterday and couldn't be any prouder of my dog, Harley!


Anonymous said...

Yay for Harley! That is awesome!! He is seriously the cutest!! I was loving on him while we were at Brad's house the day of Aaron's wedding and he is so sweet. He reminds me of my Tucker for some reason which is why I like him so much. :)

emileeisaac said...

Go Harley! You should be a proud mamma! What a great accomplishment, we are proud as well. :) When is Tex going to put his doggie skills to some good?

Congrats Brooke and we look forward to hearing more!


Cathy said...

You are awesome! We are so proud of you.The girls think maybe you can help them!!!!We love you.
Aunt Cathy, Uncle bruce
Emme and Lexe